Sunday, March 20, 2011

Visiting, a review and a yum yum

First of all, I'm visiting Head above Water blog today, answering Alison Wells' questions about being both a writer and a mum - that's Here

And secondly, I have just received a new review for Bound to Love from Manic Readers. They gave me 4.5 stars, so thank you very much, Manic Readers! You can read more of that here.

And thirdly, I love the romantic comedies of the 1930's and 1940's. The women are so great, with dialogue to die for. So here's Barbara Stanwyck telling Gary Cooper a thing or two from Ball of Fire, made in 1941.


  1. Congratulations on the rating - well deserved.

    Off to read your interview.


  2. New to your blog.
    I am with you on the 40's films. Barbara Stanwyck, Bette Davies, Audrey Hepburn and more.

